Contact us

    Property manager holding keys

    We offer $500
    Referral fee

    Do you have homeowners looking for property management?

    With Manager 4 Less, you get a $500 referral fee when you refer your clients to Manager 4 Less.

    We understand the value of your clientele, and once they are ready to sell, we smoothly transition them back to you.

    In our referral program, you keep your clients on the day that they decide to sell their home.

    Refer in confidence: It's your lead, your client and your revenue.

    With us, you can rest easy that your clients have the care and support they need with an excellent property manager. Great property management is our mission, we service our client's properties as our own assets.

    Send us your homeowners and get $500 in referral fee.

    We respect and protect your real estate business. You help us to help you!

    Property manager get in touch now

    Refer your client now!

      * Required fields

      Terms and conditions:
      In keeping with the statement made herein, we will pay a fee of Five Hundred ($500), dollars to any professional that refers a homeowner to us. The referral fee is payable after the signature of our standard property management agreement and after the collection of the first rent payment. The referred homeowner must sign our standard property management agreement. In the event the referred client desires to sell the managed property, we will refer that client back to the professional who originally referred the client to us. However, we make no guarantees that the client will return to the professional as we do not control the client.

      Real estate affiliates